Here is where we “downsize” our Unraid Server to reduce the amount of heat that is exhausted into the server closet. Even though we stepped down from Dual Xeon 2690’s we didn’t sacrifice any performance. We also lowered our power usage and lost a significant number of cores/threads. However, it wasn’t in vain and this build turned out to be fantastic.

I took this on as a personal project to propel both my personal life and linux skills forward.  I needed an OS that could support future drive expansion and provide various services. It's the ultimate NAS, if you can even call it that.


I did a lot of customization for this project in response to the demand for small ITX gaming build with power house components.  Building the Truncator required significant research and planning. Despite the numerous sources claiming 3 AOI Liquid Coolers would not fit inside the Air 240, I made it happen with careful planning and power tools.